Cancer Intelligence Care Systems, Inc. (“CICS;” President: Tetsuya Furukawa; headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo; consolidated
subsidiary of Resorttrust, Inc.) and STELLA PHARMA CORPORATION (“STELLA PHARMA;” President: Tomoyuki Asano; headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka; a consolidated subsidiary of STELLA CHEMIFA CORPORATION) will commence a Phase I
clinical trial (“the Trial”) of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (“BNCT”) for malignant melanoma and angiosarcoma, using the CICS-1 accelerator-based neutron capture therapy device with lithium targets developed by CICS, and the SPM-011 boron compound for use in BNCT developed by STELLA PHARMA, beginning in November 2019. The Trial will be conducted in the National Cancer Center Hospital (“the Hospital;” Director: Toshirou Nishida; Chuo-ku, Tokyo) of the National Cancer Center Japan (“NCC;” President: Hitoshi Nakagama; Chuo-ku, Tokyo).
“Commencement of Clinical Trial of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for Malignant Melanoma and Angiosarcoma” issued